Today's Roving Eye interview is with crime author, Eva Dolan. Her novels, Long Way Home (2014) and the follow-up, Tell No Tales (2015) have marked her as a rising star of crime fiction.
1 - When did you first realise that you wanted to write for a living?
Writing was part of my life from a very young age. I started out making little chapbooks when I was four or five years old, stitching them together from sugar paper, forcing my family to read them! During my teens I wasted hundreds of hours better spent on homework writing, and in fact quite a lot of class time, where I'd hide a work in progress inside my exercise books. The urge just didn't go away and by the time I was seventeen I was doing full length - very bad - books at a rate of one a year. Writing for a living didn't feel like a realistic career option back then but the challenge of getting published kept pushing me on.
2 - What made you chose crime fiction?

3 - What crime novel would you most like to have written?
The Talented Mr Ripley by Patricia Highsmith. Creating a completely amoral hero then making the reader root for them is an art I doubt I'll ever master and I marvel at the skills of any author who can do it.
4 - Who is your
favourite author outside of crime fiction and why?
Cormac McCarthy. First and foremost it's his sentences,
they're complex and hypnotic, twisting and looping around; he sucks you in with
that rhythm and takes you to some incredibly dark and hopeless places. I love
how uncompromising his work is, he doesn't shy away from prejudice or
brutality, he revels in it, pushing way beyond most authors point of no return.
And his landscape writing is just ridiculously good.
5 - Who are you
reading right now?

6 - If you weren’t a
writer, what else could you see yourself doing?
My dream job would be professional poker player - I'm
already used to sitting in a chair for long stretches, staring at a computer
screen trying to make badly behaved characters do what I want, so the online
game wouldn't be much different. Not much fun either though. I'd rather do the
globe trotting live version, big, trashy casinos in Vegas and Macau,
elegant European card rooms, and all of that free time when I bust out early to
go exploring the shops and cafes and art galleries. Although I'd miss being
able to work in pyjamas.
7 – What was the
last great book that you read?
It's not a crime novel, but Neverhome by Laird Hunt really
impressed me. The story of a woman who went to fight in the American Civil War
disguised as a man. I'm not usually a fan of war books but this one is
beautifully written and the central character so utterly compelling and
sympathetic that I had a little cry at the end.
8 - How do you feel
about ebooks vs. print books and alternative vs. conventional publishing?

9 – Coffee and cake
or Tea and Biscuits?
Definitely coffee and cake. Most of the time I'm on espressos
and since I love baking there'll usually be a slice of cake nearby, apple and
cinnamon loaf or lemon cupcakes or my latest attempt, chocolate and beetroot
cake; sounds weird, tastes divine!
10 - Sum up your latest novel in less than 20 words
Zigic and Ferreira investigate the link between a fatal hit
and run and a series of brutal, racially motivated murders.
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